diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2015


In English we can to comparate two things whith adjectives, there are two classes: comparative and superlative


when one thing is a little different than others, for exemple: 

John is tall, but Bill is taller than John.

The rules:

One syllable
adjetive+er , exemple: short-shorter

if adjetive ends with vowel+consonant we write doble consonant, exemple: hot-hotter.

Two syllables or more:

more+adjetive, exemple: more beautiful than.


when one thing is only one, for exemple: 

Jack is very tall. He is the tallest man in the team

The rules:

One syllable

the+adjetive+est, exemple: short-shortest.

Two syllables or more

the most+adjetive, exemple: the most beautiful.

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